LAM Family Farm

Happy Chickens, Fresh Eggs!

Archive for the tag “security”

Massacre at the Farm


We had a massacre at the Farm last night.  At around noon I awoke to what sounded like a rabbit screaming.  It did not last long.  I looked outside and did not see the dogs alerted so I went back to bed.  A few hours later as I was tending to the feeding. I saw the carnage.  I first noticed that two of our rabbits were missing.  The strange thing was that one cage door was open and one cage door was closed.  Both rabbits were gone.  Next I saw body parts on the ground.  It was our female New Zealand. I found the carcass later under some trees.  The male rabbit is gone.  He is black and white.  We did not find any sign of him.  No hair, no carcass.  We hope he got away and is in hiding.

We have three acres here.  I have not been able to come up with the money to fence it in yet.  I thought rabbits would be safe in their cages.  The mystery is how did the female’s cage get closed?  How did the rabbits get out?  Before I saw the body parts I initially thought someone stole them.  Or a kid left the cage door open.

What I am thinking is that a stray dog came in and upset the rabbits so much(cause when frightened the rabbits bounce around in there) that the cage doors popped open.  I know that the female is dead.  I cannot say for sure the male is dead.

I have the cages about five feet off of the ground.  So a large dog could stand on his hind legs and paw the cages.

So I need to work on securing my cages better.  Farm security is going to be a big issue in 2016.  I choose not to show any pictures of the massacre choosing instead to show a more positive image of “freckles” the chicken.


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